Identity Management

How to quickly and easily add a Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 system to Microsoft Active Directory

UPDATE!! .. This article also works perfectly on Windows 2012 Server as well as Windows Server 2008. The process is exactly the same.


I’ve had countless numbers of people ask me over the years how to add a Linux system to Active Directory.

Here is a really quick and simple way to do it using Windbind for userlookups, and Kerberos for authentication.

In this example, I will be using the below details

Windows Domain Name:
Windows Domain NetBIOS Name: NT
Domain Controller: 
Client Server name:

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Configuring eJabberd to authenticate FreeIPA users using LDAP Group memberships.

This guide has been written to show how you can integrate ejabberd (XMPP Server) into FreeIPA using LDAP authentication, and to allow user’s based on being a member of an allowed Group.

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Zimbra Collaboration Server 7.2 – Authentication and GAL lookups against FreeIPA

This document is written as an integration document to configure IPA as an Authentication Source as well as a Directory source for an already existing Zimbra installation.

This document is not intended as a walk through on how to install and configure Zimbra Collaboration Server.

This document was written and tested using Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6.2 x86_64 running Zimbra Collaboration Server 7.2 (Network Edition)

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Configuring Dovecot to authenticate FreeIPA users using Kerberos (with Single Sign On)

I have also posted this article on the project wiki which is linkedĀ here

The below details will walk you through how to add a Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6.2 system to an IPA domain, and then configure Dovecot to allow single sign on to user mailboxes with IMAP/S.

Continue reading “Configuring Dovecot to authenticate FreeIPA users using Kerberos (with Single Sign On)” »