How to set up a Reverse DNS Stub Zone
Reverse zones are not generally something you see in Windows networks. You should…. however I rarely see them.
Many systems/services rely on reverse lookups just as heavily as they do on forward lookups. Email services for instances is one that really has a strong need for reverse lookups.
For consistency and so I know I’m recommending the right thing to do, I’ll walk you through setting up a reverse zone as well.
Step 1. Open DNS Manager (Win2012, press Start button and click DNS. Win2003/2008 Start>Programs/Administrative Tools/DNS)
You will see the locally configured DNS server. See below screen shot
Step 2. Create New Zone.
Right click on “Forward Lookup Zones” and select “New Zone”.
You will be presented with the New DNS Zone wizard welcome window. Click Next to Continue.
See below screen shot
Step 3. Select “Stub Zone”
As we are creating a Stub Zone this speaks for itself. Take note to ensure that the tick box saying “Store the zone in Active Directory” is ticked to ensure that the zone information is replicated to other Domain Controllers.
Click Next to Continue.
See below screen shot
Step 4. Active Directory Zone replication
Accept the default of “To all DNS servers running on domain controllers in this domain:”.
This will ensure that all other DNS servers which are Active Directory replicated will also receive this zone information.
Click Next to Continue.
See below screen shot
Step 5. Reverse Lookup Name
Here you will need to select the IPv4 or IPv6 type protocol you wish to create your reverse lookup zone with.
In this example, I am using IPv4.
See screen shot below